Aromatherapy Massage Oil Recipes

Aromatherapy Massage Oil Recipes

Essential oils have been utilized throughout history in massages using aromatherapy. The soothing properties of essential oils have been shown to enhance mood as well as improve air quality. It is possible to make your own essential oil at home to relax your muscles. Here are 22 Aromatherapy Massage Oil recipes that can be made at your home. Read on to learn more. Let's first review some of most popular aromatherapy massage oils.

Lavender oil

Aromatherapy massage, among the many advantages that lavender oil offers can be a fantastic way to relieve physical and mental tension. If applied to the skin, lavender may ease signs of menopausal. Additionally, it helps to reduce the spread of nausea and headaches and also ease the pain and tension. The anti-inflammatory as well as pain-relieving characteristics of this essential oil may have a connection with. Add a few drops the oil in carrier oil and apply it to massage your body.

Another reason to use lavender oil for aromatherapy massage is its relaxing effect. The calming effects of lavender oil can be utilized to alleviate restless legs syndrome. It is a condition that occurs when legs are uncomfortable or need to be moved. It is absorbed quickly into the bloodstream, which makes it a great massage oil. It's not contaminated with synthetic fragrances, colors or preservatives. This makes it an ideal choice for people who prefer a relaxing massage that is not scented.

Lemongrass oil

This is the place if you are considering Lemongrass oil to massage your body with aromatherapy. Not only does it smell delicious, it's also got a host of advantages. It is not just an essential oil an effective natural stimulant it's also renowned to ease headaches and stress. Its antiseptic , deodorizing and antibacterial properties combat fungus and bacteria It can also be used in skin care products. Its strong, citrus scent is a natural insect repellent.

For aromatherapy massages, lemongrass can be used to treat a variety of illnesses and diseases. You can apply it with your fingertips, Q tips, or with a fork. Also, you can disperse it, and then rub it onto your temples. It is a great option for your chest and temples. There is also the option of relaxing while using the oil. Lemongrass oil should be used twice per week for best outcomes. Essential oil from lemongrass could cause itchy skin or allergic reactions greater than other oils.

Oil of Geranium

Geranium oil, which is extracted from the geranium flowers, can be used to relax and revitalize. The aromatherapy massage is reminiscent of a relaxing aromatherapy massage in a park. Traditional medical practices use geranium oil for its ability to boost circulation and activate your nervous system. Additionally, it acts as an Astringent. It's particularly beneficial to people struggling with depression, stress, and menopausal symptoms.

The rosy fragrance is well-known for its ability to treat acne. As it helps promote healthy skin Geranium oil is utilized for massages. Your skin will be glowing and clear skin due to its anti-aging properties. It can be blended with carrier oils such as Jojoba oil or olive oil for a better experience for your skin. Apart from promoting gorgeous skin, the essential oil of geranium is effective for treating muscles tension, inflammation as well as nerve pain.

Grapefruit oil

Grapefruit essential oil can be ideal for massages using aromatherapy. The oil can be utilized to treat anything including stomach ailments to effects of hangovers. It can also be used as a fragrance. It is possible to dilute it with the carrier oil such as jojoba oil, and applied to the chest or upper chest area. The oil can also help in the body's expulsion process. There are many benefits to grapefruit essential oil, and this article will focus on several of them.

This oil's scent is uplifting and pleasant to the senses. The main chemical component known as limonene has demonstrated antioxidant and purifying properties. It's thought to play an essential role in mood enhancement. Other terpenes present in grapefruit oil have been proven to be efficient antioxidants, and also cleanser agents. It's an excellent detoxifier. Its citrus aroma also assists to ease stress in the brain and can be very relaxing.


Aromatherapy massages with lavender can assist in decreasing stress and burning out working. A research study has examined the effect on clients' burnout. It was found to have positive effects on HRV levels and work stress. After completing the massage with lavender, the subjects reported fewer symptoms of exhaustion. It is in line with earlier results. There is a possibility of gaining more health benefits from massage when you use essential oils, which can be soothing for the body.

Essential oils of lavender are beneficial to the mind and body. Essential oils can be used for massage enhancement in boosting immunity and improving ones mood. The advantages of lavender essential oil are especially helpful for insomnia as well as other sleep troubles. Also, it is a fantastic solution for anxiety, depression and pain in the menstrual cycle. People suffering from depression may appreciate it due to its anti-inflammatory properties and antiseptic qualities.


A study showed the aromatherapy treatment with Geranium oil helped reduce symptoms of depression in post-menopausal women. The study was conducted in a random fashion, with women being randomly assigned to an aromatherapy massage using geranium oil in almond oil, or a placebo control group. Aromatherapy massages led to substantial improvement in mood and fatigue among women who received their massages. Essential oils could be harmful However, the massages they provide are completely safe.

In a separate study, it was found that aromatherapy massages are beneficial for women with PMS. The therapy significantly decreased the intensity of PMS symptoms. The treatment continued for 8 weeks. Both groups were using geranium essential oils diluted with almond oil. Massages using aromatherapy were given by trained midwives and the women experienced less pain. The massage with aromatherapy was able to reduce the physical and mental signs of PMS.