Trigger Point Therapy

Trigger Point Therapy

Trigger point therapy is used to release muscle using several ways. It aims at the release of the muscle's hypersensitive regions. Trigger points are areas of hypersensitivity of muscle , which when activated through digital pressure can cause the pain. Trigger point are commonplace and are the result of repeated muscle stress and trauma.

The procedure

Botulinum Toxin injections are used to trigger point treatment. Botox is the most frequently used treatment, however Xeomin comes as one of the newest products in the marketplace. The drug is administered to the affected muscles with a single dosage. Furthermore, an additional five units are administered to the left masseter muscle, because it's bigger than muscles in the other. Bilaterally, the affected muscles include those of the frontalis as well as the Oculi of the Orbicularis.

Trigger points are a sensitive area on a person's body that could lead to pain for a long time. These trigger points could result of injury, swelling or the development of fibrosis. In the end, sufferers may experience severe pain when they move their necks or shoulders. It is good to know that trigger point therapy can assist people recover from this condition.

The Complications

Trigger point therapy is the process of injecting local anesthetic or steroid solution directly into the trigger points. This procedure is performed in the doctor's office. Doctors can administer the medication without the patient being conscious. The procedure usually takes a short amount of time and only require one appointment with the physician.

There are some patients who experience pain after injection, but it usually goes away on its own in several days. Also, injections can cause soreness or numbness. This side effect can be mitigated by using heating and ice as well as any other non-prescription medicines.


Trigger point refers to regions where muscles are stretched caused by prolonged or unexpected activity. Trigger points are present in particular areas of your body. they can cause discomfort or even numbness. It is usually recognized by the appearance of a taut band in the skin of a muscle. The band's palpation causes a localized Twitch, which proves the existence of an trigger point. Trigger point therapy is performed in a variety of ways. One of the most effective is the trigger point injection.

Trigger point therapy is an effective treatment option for numerous muscle and joint disorders and it is simple to master.  You can find out more The therapy of trigger points is completely safe and may be helpful for people suffering from chronic pain. Trigger point therapy could appear easy enough that it is not therapy but it could prove advantageous if sufferers have ongoing pain.

Side effects

Certain patients discover trigger point therapy injections to be a helpful supplement to their ongoing pain management. The injections can be used to alleviate painful trigger points within the muscles and skeletal system. It should take only ten minutes and be performed by a certified professional. It is possible that the procedure will cause post-injection pain, which generally disappears after a couple of days. The injection might contain corticosteroid or anesthetic.

A treatment known as trigger point therapy a relatively new treatment, which can provide positive results to some patients. But it is also extremely risky if done improperly. The procedure could cause serious injury to the muscles. Aside from discomfort trigger point injections could cause anesthetic-based side negative effects. These effects generally subside within three or four days.

Relief from pain

Trigger point therapy can be an effective treatment for painfulness that results from a trigger point. It is a method of pain control that makes use of muscles to relax them and ease knots that cause pain. Many people experience mild-moderate pain associated with trigger points. While the treatment is done quickly, it doesn't need more than one visit. The effects could be dramatic and the practitioner may appear as a magician.

The Trigger Point Therapy uses injections for pain relief and to lessen inflammation and allow the body to restore and strengthen the muscles. In the event that muscles suffer from repetitive stress or abuse, trigger point may develop. Trigger point injections can be employed as a stand-alone treatment or with other methods of managing pain.